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The Art of Looking In: 

Find your freedom

Helping individuals clear subconscious patterns and blocks, heal trauma, and deepen your spiritual connection so that you can live with a regulated nervous system, free of anxiety and fear, find your inner peace, and live a more heart centered, purposeful life.

em and scott

Reset and Reconnect at our Taos Ketamine-Assisted Breathwork Retreat

Join us for a life changing 3 days as you heal, clear your blocks, and reconnect with your true authentic self. Reserve your spot today and take the first step toward a transformative experience

May 30th- June 3rd

at the San Geronimo Retreat Center in Taos, NM

Schedule a FREE pre-screening informational call
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Welcome to our transformative journey of self-discovery and inner exploration

Here we invite you to embark on a path of self-awareness, spiritual growth, and inner healing through the practices of breathwork, meditation, ketamine, and simple, practical every day tools. With us, you will learn to connect with the deepest truth of who you really are, unlocking the boundless potential that resides within you and letting go of the masks you have worn your whole life.


Your Freedom awaits....

What is the art of looking in?

The Art of Looking In is simple. It’s deciding to perceive the world through the paradigm that your outside world is a reflection of your inside world. Most believe your eyes are looking out into a world that you exist in. Therefore the outside world must change in order for your life to change. But we actually believe your reality is created by what you believe and perceive in your mind. And so the answers that you seek and the life you want to create, doesn’t come from going outside of you, but only ever from within. They come when you are able to let go of the ego mind so that you can heal and connect with your spirit, with the truth of who you really are beyond your human existence, and heal your inner world. It is from here where will you find true joy, peace, purpose, and fulfillment in your everyday life.

Get Started

In the midst of the chaos, stress, and demands of everyday life, it's easy to lose sight of our true essence. 

We often find ourselves disconnected from our soul/higher self, living in a state of imbalance, anxiety, fear, unhappiness, and discontent. But within each of us lies a boundless wellspring of wisdom, joy, and fulfillment, waiting to be tapped into in every single moment. Through the power of breathwork, meditation, ketamine, and practical daily tools, you will learn how to navigate the depths of your inner world and reawaken your connection to your truest self.

Breathwork is the pathway to clearing out your suppressed emotions and trauma that you have been shoving down your whole life. As you consciously engage with your breath, you clear out stuck energy and suppressed emotions, so that you can finally access the vital life force that flows through your body, energizing every cell. In the rhythm of your breath, you also discover a powerful tool for not only clearing, but self-healing self-exploration, and a calm and relaxed nervous system. Through specific techniques and practices, you will learn to harness the breath as a means to release emotional blockages, cleanse the mind, create altered states of consciousness, and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace.


What is Meditation?

Meditation, the art of quieting the mind, allows you to delve into the realms of pure awareness and presence so that you can get beyond the normal everyday thinking default mode network or as we call it, the ego. By quieting the incessant chatter of your egoic, controlling thoughts, you create a space for inner clarity and insight to emerge, and to access a field of energy and frequency that you can harness to begin to consciously create the life of your dreams. Through a regular meditation practice, you will learn to rise above the limitations of the ego mind, accessing a deeper state of consciousness and awareness where you can connect with the wisdom of your higher self/soul. It is in this sacred space that you will find guidance, inspiration, and a profound sense of deep purpose.

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What is Breathwork?


Breathwork is a powerful tool for working with the physical and emotional body.

Breathwork techniques open pathways to release stagnant energy, working on a deep emotional level, as well as promotes relaxation, and can foster a deeper connection with your body and emotions. Guided breathwork meditation sessions can bring clarity and mindfulness, facilitating profound shifts in your perspective as well as in your physical/emotional body.

When you feel safe enough to let go, and allow yourself to feel your emotions fully, which most haven’t done since childhood, you allow the body to naturally move out this unprocessed energy/emotion/trauma by using your breath in very specific ways. We know that almost all dis-ease stems from chronic stress and unprocessed emotion that we hold in our bodies as well as subconscious beliefs that hold us back from truly living a life of authenticity, freedom, joy, fulfillment, and purpose. The specific breathwork techniques we use at the Art of Looking In are designed to trigger the limbic system in your brain which holds these subconscious beliefs and memories attached to emotions that keep you trapped in groundhog day. The power of your breath allows for unwiring synaptic connections in your brain so that you can create new synaptic connections for who you WANT to be and the life you desire to live.

The other major benefit to breathwork as opposed to other self healing modalities or other forms of therapy is that it works immediately and quickly. You don’t have to have any prior experience with breathwork and you don’t have to spend hours on top of hours trying to figure out (with your analytical brain) what is stored and from when. Your breath does the work for you!

Get Started

Here at The Art of Looking In

We are dedicated to providing you with the tools, guidance, support and mentorship you need to embark on this transformative inner journey. Through our retreats, meditation/breathwork practices, and monthly mastermind, you will unlock the door to your inner wisdom, reconnecting with your higher self, and live a life of profound meaning and fulfillment.

Join us and our community on this remarkable voyage of self-discovery and unlock the limitless potential that lies within you as you personally discover the Art of Looking In. Step into a life of balance, harmony, and joy as you connect with your most authentic self. Your transformation awaits.

What Our Students Have To Say

Those who attend our programs, become an integral part of the community instantly. Read below what they have to say:

I can say I’ve spent a small fortune on other programs and trying to heal myself and take this spiritual journey to self discovery but none of those other programs have impacted me the way ALB has! This program exceeded my expectations in every way!!


The course is WONDERFUL. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for and now I feel like I'm finally becoming unstuck! I always knew the answers were inside me but I just couldn't hear them...this work clears the blocks and helps you go deep enough to unlock your own destiny.


The results from participating in Em and Scott's programs have been life changing. I have learned to use my voice, set boundaries with people, learned to say no and manifested abundance for retreats. I AM COMPLETELY OFF ANXIETY MEDS!


About Em

Hey! I'm Em Hollis

Em Hollis, spiritual guide and Soma breathwork facilitator, is very passionate about sharing her story of going from a depressed, unfulfilled, anxious, pain pill addicted, stressed out, insecure, self proclaimed people pleasing mom, wife, and business owner to living a life of freedom, purpose, confidence, and joy in all areas of her life.

About Scott

In 2001, Scott Sunderland found himself lying in a hospital bed, unable to move any part of his body. In just three days, he went from a very capable, athletic man to living in a completely paralyzed, lifeless body, with a mind full of fear. All his life, he believed he was greater than just his body.

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Learn how to get to the "root" of your limiting subconscious programming and suppressed energy and clear it in 5 easy steps!

Begin your transformational process with our step by step guide. Release energetic blockages and generational patterns that are stuck in your root with this free guide. If you struggle with feeling safe and secure, are in a constant fight or flight response, or feel a constant state of anxiousness, this guide is for you!

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