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Breathwork Meditations

Connect with your body with Em's Breathwork Meditations

Implement your own daily breathwork practice from the comfort of your own home! Now available are five different and unique breathwork meditations designed for you to experience the full “breadth” of how a breathwork practice can begin to change your life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Each track is designed to create a specific outcome or result. From integrating a daily practice, to easing into sleep at night, to energizing and/or releasing stored trauma from your body, and to connecting with your heart, you have the options with these tracks to go where your mind and body are calling you. With each of these meditations, you will experience the many benefits of a breathwork practice including:

  • Unlocking your own inner pharmacy. Imagine being able to consciously release at will all of the feel good chemicals your own body makes including oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine!

  • Increased mind/body connection. Imagine cultivating a healthy relationship with your own body instead of always feeling unsafe in it!

  • Turning off the stress/fight or flight response

  • Decreased Anxiety or anxious thoughts

  • Improved sleep leading to more creativity and energy

  • Increased mind/body connection

  • Releasing stored trauma/trapped emotions from the body

  • Higher efficiency of oxygen usage creating better cellular health

  • Healthy digestion

  • Connecting to your soul’s purpose

  • Reaching altered states of consciousness

  • Rewiring your brain to create empowering belief systems

  • Connect To Your Inner Guidance

    This meditation is designed to help you reconnect with your intuition or inner guidance, especially if you have been struggling with a lack of clarity or decision making.

    BUY NOW - $7.99

    Falling In Love With Yourself

    This is a powerful combination of a few rounds of breathwork followed by a meditation with the intention of falling more in love with yourself.

    BUY NOW - $9.99
    Generating abundance

    Daily Dose

    This is a great breathwork meditation to use as a daily practice. You will use 3 powerfulbreathwork techniques including rhythmic, diaphragmic, breathing, breath retention (holdingyour breath on the exhale and reaching states of intermittent hypoxia), and pelvic floor lock.

    BUY NOW - $4.99


    Breathwork 101 Mini Series

    Breath Work is the Key to Changing so Many Areas of Your Life Including Better Health, More Energy, More Creativity, Decreased Anxiety, Clearing stored energy, and quieting that monkey mind so that you can quickly gain the full benefits of meditation! Other benefits include:

    • Sleeping Better

    • Decreased anxiety

    • Creating new neural pathways in your brain

    • Improved digestion

    • Decreased anxiety

    • Oxytocin and serotonin release

    You will be amazed at how much better you will feel in all areas of your life, after consistently practicing the different breathwork techniques you are going to learn in this mini series. The breathwork used will allow you to take your power back over your own health, emotional well-being, mental well-being, and spiritual growth.

    Have you been trying to incorporate a mindfulness or meditation practice, but still feel frustrated? Do you find it impossible to gain the benefits of meditation because you can't seem to calm your mind for longer than a second!?

    Then this Breathwork Mini Series is for you!!

    I always say, breathwork is like putting a power pack on your meditation practice! What most people don't know, is that instead of trying for hours to get your mind to quiet down, there are specific ways you can use your breath to do the work for you. So you can stop the frustration and thinking that you just can't meditate. Breathwork is a form of meditation but the benefits of it are immediate.

    The best part about learning the basics of breathwork, as you will in this mini series, is that you will have a solid foundation to build upon as you deepen your breathwork practice and begin to experience the many benefits right away.....without having to spend hours in meditation. You will also begin to cultivate a very intimate relationship with your body and what it needs at any given moment. You will know without a doubt when you need to calm your nervous system down (and exactly the breathwork to do so) or when you need to release some energy from your body….and exactly how to do 

    With each module in the mini series, you will receive a specific breathwork meditation to practice each technique daily. At the end of the mini series you will have a collection of breathwork tracks that range from a short 5 minute meditation to a longer, more in depth 40 minute meditation to work with moving stored trauma and stuck emotions out of your body.

    With that said, here is everything
    in the mini series:

  • Four pre-recorded online teachings along with a slideshow pdf that goes with each teaching that you can download and study.

  • You will learn 4 specific breathwork techniques that will help you learn how to breath properly (specifically belly breathing and stopping the bad habit of breathing through your mouth!) so that you have more energy in your body, work with moving out trapped, dense, energy from your lower chakras, how to breath to fall asleep with ease, how to breath to create different brainwave states for different tasks you are working on, and how to breath to get into a state of heart coherence.

  • Access to previously recorded Q and A calls to answer all your questions that come up throughout the course.

  • You will receive a breath work meditation to go with each week's teachings that are exclusive to this Breath Work Mini Series (with a few bonus ones!). You can access these in your curriculum and download them to your phone to use anywhere at any time.

  • Access to my FB group of your fellow breathwork tribe!

  • Here is a break down of what you
    will learn in each module:

    Module 1

    The Basics of Breathing: This includes a lesson on how to properly breath, a break down of your nervous system and how it operates, printable slideshow, a 5 minute calming breathwork meditation, and other great breathwork resources in this area.


    Module 2

    Breath Retention and intro to Pelvic Floor Lock: How to increase your health and vitality and turn down your fear response. This also includes a printable slideshow, an online teaching, a 23 minute daily breathwork meditation, and peer reviewed articles and studies on the benefits of intermittent hypoxia.


    Module 3

    Pelvic Floor Lock & Releasing Stored Trauma and Emotions: This includes an online lesson in how we store trauma, how to release it from your body, a printable slideshow, and a 38 minute breathwork designed to release stored emotions/trauma.


    Module 4

    Heart Coherence and Chanting: The benefits of both, Printable slideshow, online teaching on how to practice heart coherence and the benefits of chanting, and two breathwork meditations to practice both.


    Also included are 6 bonus meditations from my other online courses!

    So the question is, are you ready to change your life through changing your breath!!??


    Copyright © emandscott222.com 2023